The first qualifier to be a Republican supporter is to be able to lie about anything with a straight face. It also helps if you are a bigot and a racist. Making money off the little people and not paying your share in income taxes is a free card to GOP membership.
Owning more guns than the police department will make you many friends, especially if you own the likes of the AR-15 assault rifle with 100 round magazines. Dressing like the military and buying bullet proof vests and body armor will give you the costume you desire.
“Welcome back America” has been heard around the World. We, as Americans can now look forward to the attention that a true leader bestows on, we citizens.
Europe can now breath a sigh of relief that the U.S. military bases won’t be moved around to pacify the biggest criminal on earth, Putin. Putin requested this because the Donald owes the Russians $400 million. What is Donald going to do now? Signs that Trump is gathering intelligence to sell to Putin for the amount he owes, have raised its ugly head, with the firing of the defense chief and inserting loyalists into key positions in the Pentagon.
Voting for criminals like Donald Trump gives you power to abuse the system. Democracy has been undermined by the lies and greed of this President, the Senate, and his family. They belong in jail.
Can you believe that 83% of Republicans think that Biden and the Democrats have rigged and stolen the election? Its like saying pigs can fly, black is white, and the pandemic is a hoax.