The basics to be a Republican can be traced to the traditions that have made the party what it is today.

The two most important parts are to eliminate taxes and to eliminate regulations. This allows the financers of the candidate to benefit from the support the very wealthy and corporations pour on the campaign to get them elected.

Lately, due to the Trump effect, one must be able to manipulate the truth and to lie through their teeth, so to speak. One also must be able to embrace the conspiracy theories that have spun out of thin air and add to them, if capable.

Gone are the moderates like Ronald Reagan, John McCain, and the Bushes. They have been replaced by zealots with big mouths and small brains like Jim Jordon of Ohio, Matt Geatz of Florida, and Josh Hawley of Missouri. 

Fortunately, the people are not as gullible as these zealots think they are. Our midterm elections have shown that we will not bow to the liars that lace the GOP. 


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