Many years ago, while in the U.S. Army on active duty, I had an incident where my right knee was injured.  The ligament that stops the knee from over extending was snapped and cartilage was torn.  The ligament was never repaired and the Army said I was disabled.  Thirty five years later the grinding, popping, and collapsing has taken its toll and the doctors said I should have a right total knee arthroplasty.  I want to tell this story because my experience was with the much maligned V.A. health system.  We hear horror stories about our Veteran’s Hospitals and the veterans that did not get help or waited too long to get help.

I have volunteered at the V.A. hospital in Minneapolis and saw firsthand the vast numbers of patients that use the VA facility.  Most of the time, as patients left the facility; they praised the hospital as a Florence Nightingale of care facilities and thanked us.  It wasn’t us they really thanked but the hospital staff and hospital itself.

My ordeal was soon upon me.  I checked in on a Tuesday morning and along with eight others who had surgery on knees, hips, shoulders, and bellies.  We were the second group of eight in the eight operating rooms.  When we were done, 2-3 hrs later, another group of eight wheeled in.  There was an assortment of doctors, residents, anesthesiologists, and nurses.  The V.A. is a teaching hospital and replaces more knees and hips than any other V.A. hospital.

During the next few days there was a constant flow of nurses, doctors, and patients in and out of our four patient room.  The care was tremendous, the food great, and the fellow vets a comfort.  One time, an especially great nurse named Scott received kudos from all four of us as he was about to leave his shift.  He stopped in the middle of the room and snapped off a crisp salute and said, “thank you for your service“.

I think my experience was much like the majority who receive care at our VA care facilities.  I want to make sure that the majority is heard.  Congress has finally authorized the funds to digitalize the system.  The outdated paper system will be replaced in the next 18 months.  We have backlogs and some files fall through the cracks but our VA system is a wonder and a blessing.  From the majority.

Thank your UNCLE SAM


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