We have a Congress that would rather play right wing ideology than make our country better.  It’s much like the kid who takes his ball and goes home because he is losing.  Where is the honor in furloughing 800,000 employees?  Where is the honor in costing our country a billion dollars a day? Where do these people come from?  Most of the Tea Party hails from below the Mason Dixon Line.  The land of no taxes, poor funding for schools, and a bible draped in a flag.  The latest architect of silliness is Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC). He has been in office for eight months. It’s great that that he is aware of the “Federalist Papers”.  The Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay.  They are 85 pamphlets and other documents expressing their opinions and philosophy on why the constitution and our federal system is the best for our country.  Representative Meadows has pulled a quote by James Madison from one of the pamphlets, “the power of the purse may, in fact, be regarded as the most complete and effectual weapon….for obtaining a redress of every grievance.  Meadows has enlisted 79 Tea Party members to sign his declaration of, my way or the highway.  The main stream Republican party is split from the Tea Party, but is now tied to this, the latest effort to defund Obomacare.  The World is laughing and watching this buffoonery created by Congress.  The GOP my pay in November. You may need to take your ball and stay home.

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