Alcohol, Nicotine and Cannabis.  There is no question that these products do a great deal of damage to society and the World.  They have also been around for thousands of years.  Regulations are numerous for each.  Restrictions and banns have been attempted from all likes of politicians and regulators, as long as the restrictions do not interfere with their habits or commerce.  Alcohol abuse is the 3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death in the USA, with 88,000 deaths each year.  There were 1.2 million emergency visits and 2.7 million physician visits due to excessive alcohol abuse at a cost of $223.5 billion in 2006.  Violence due to alcohol abuse was reported by 2/3rds of victims and most child abuse and neglect is also attributed to alcohol abuse.  I have never seen any report of medical alcohol and this drug is legal and taxed.

Nicotine, the addictive drug in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco (chew, dip, snus, and snuff) is probably as addictive as heroin, thus the difficulty of stopping, once started. Tobacco has over 4000 chemicals, some like tar, cause lung cancer and emphysema. Another, carbon monoxide, causes heart problems and smokers are susceptible to heart disease.  Generally, smokers experiment in the 8th to 10th grade and become smokers between the ages of 18 and 25.  The New England Journal of Medicine has stated, “the most effective deterrent to tobacco use is the use of taxes on tobacco. Doubling or tripling the tax could shrink smokers by 1/3, because of the cost.  Smokers are on the decline because of this, and the fact that smoking takes a decade off your life.  I have never seen any report that talks about medical tobacco, yet tobacco and nicotine have been around for thousands of years, and it is legal and it is taxed.

Cannabis or marijuana has been around for thousands of years and has a long history of medicinal use dating back thousands of years across many cultures. Cannabis has been used to alleviate pain for thousands of years.  In modern times it has been used to minimize nausea and  vomiting  for cancer patients going through chemotherapy, and people with aids, so they may eat and grow stronger.  It has been used for muscular dystrophy spasticity and reducing pressure on the lenses of the eye for glaucoma patients.  Most European countries, Israel, Canada, and 20 US states have legalized medicinal marijuana for these reasons. Illinois is the most recent state to attempt to legalize medical marijuana and has identified 30 different afflictions covered by this law.  Patients would need to be fingerprinted, require a background check, and pay $150 per year for a special photo I.D. I hear rumblings from Minnesota about doing the same this year. Most law enforcement officers are against any relaxing of the laws because marijuana is considered, a gateway drug.  If this were true, wouldn’t everyone be an alcoholic at first drink, a chain smoker at first puff, and a heroin addict within days.  Alcohol and Nicotine are legal and destroy us with abuse.  At least Cannabis has medicinal value. This is not opinion, but researched facts.

Published every Wednesday at least.

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