December  7, 2015



This is a word that galvanizes folks, because it means loyalty and devotion to a state or nation. It’s a strong belief that the interests of a particular nation-state are of primary importance.  It is a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or groups.

France, in its reaction to the Paris massacre, has given first round support to the far right in early rounds of their elections. The National Front (Le Pen) has campaigned against open borders, Muslims, and immigration of any kind.  This is the last election prior to the 2017 presidential election, so there is an indicator of what’s happening in Europe.

The National Socialist German Workers Party formed in 1920 in reaction to the humiliation after World War I.  Hitler joined them and soon became its leader promoting nationalism and anti-Semitism renaming the party the Nazi party.

On this side of the Atlantic, we have Jerry Falwell Jr., President of Liberty University, urging his students to get gun carry permits to protect yourself.  He said, “If more people did so, we could get rid of these Muslims.”  I can see him waiving the Bible in one hand and a gun in the other.  Stirring in the fears of the masses brings nothing but hate, according to Cyrol Connonlly, a British author.

This country is founded on immigration and is enriched every day by the diversity of our population.  Trump and others want to build a wall between us and Mexico.

Hispanics are family orientated and most are strong Christians.  My family has been to most of the countries in Central America.  We truly love the people, language, and culture.

If given a chance, Muslims would most likely earn this love too.  Muslims I have met and conversed with are gentle, sweet people just trying to be good Americans.  Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.  The few that are radicalized are not Muslim, just liars, thugs, and murderers.

All religions have been persecuted at one time.  The Romans persecuted Christians back in the day.  Jews have been persecuted by most of the World most of the time.  Muslims are now being persecuted because of the stranglehold that ISIS and Al Qaeda have in the Middle East.  Boko Haram in Nigeria, Africa have the same effect on Islam.  Boko Haram actually means against anything Western.  These groups are thugs, criminals, and murdurers formed only to steal, terrorize, and murder for their own gain.  They are not Islam.  They use this as a recruiting tool to tap the gullible into thinking they are on a great crusade against the West and can become Martyrs when they die.  According to the Koran, the martyr is then rewarded by Allah in heaven with 72 virgins.  It’s great to be a guy.  Woman martyrs are rewarded with one nice guy.

Minnesotans are generally tolerant of immigrants because most of us are only one generation removed from immigration status ourselves. Tolerance and acceptance is a hallmark of Minnesota.  We have great little communities of Mong, Ethiopian, Laotian, Somali, Vietnamese, and Hispanic. Reach out and learn.  It is so much better than fear and hate.


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