The dictionary defines bigotry as a person that is narrow minded, intolerant, and holds a prejudice against a racial or religious group.  Where does this attitude come from?  Are we born with it?  Does it suddenly envelope us when we turn eighteen?

I think we all harbor some prejudices.  I don’t like green or blue people. I do though, like and tolerate black, yellow, red, and white.  I don’t know much about the blues and greens.  It must be that I am ignorant and know nothing about those folks. It could be my parents didn’t like them either.  We never talked favorably about them.  I never traveled or met any, but I know I don’t like them and would vote against them.   Oh, I don’t vote, so I guess I can’t do that.  I don’t read a newspaper, books, or any magazines.  I just listen to the biggest and the bestest TV show there is.  They tell it like it is.  Fox News.  They must know all, because some of the richest people on the planet give huge sums of money to those candidates that are bigots.  I think they’re called SuperPacs and have great names like the Freedom Party, so they must be good, according to Fox News.

Recently, the mayor of Superior, Wisconsin, Bruce Hagen, said on his Facebook page that, “Obama is a Muslim who has destroyed the fabric of Democracy.” Wow.  He must watch Fox News and love Trump.  I pity the poor soul drowning in his ignorance.

Europe is showing its colors too.  Some countries, like Poland and Hungry say no to all immigrants, even though their own young and educated are leaving for Western Europe for opportunities.  Germany and Sweden are the opposite.  They are quickly interviewing thousands of refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  Twenty per cent are educated in technology and fill jobs that go begging in Europe, like North America.  This is crucial to Europe because their birth rate does not keep up with death rate.  Soon there will be fewer people working and many more elderly to take care of than the economy can handle.

Here in North America, the so called melting pot of the World, we have similar problems.  When social security started, there were 15-1 workers to retired non-workers.   Now that ratio is 3-1 and shrinking.  We need new citizens that are educated and want to work.  We need more, not less.  I hope to retire some day and comfortably dwell in the land of immigrants working to keep this country great.

President Reagan in his last speech said, “Immigrants are the backbone of our country.  Welcome them with open arms.”  Trump has made a mockery of his handling of our immigration service.  He and his right wing bigots, plus the running scared GOP party think they can force change their way.  Its all over come November 3rd.  There will be a sweep of  Republican candidates out and gone.  You Republicans will be part of the dust bin in history with little to show for it.  Good Riddens!!


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