February 8, 2017


Letter to Editor/Published: Chanhassen Villager, Chanhassen, MN

I usually huddle in the middle with the independents and moderates, but feel the middle has been demolished with the hard slam to the right of our new one term President, if that.

So far he has insulted all living beings in the World except Putin and the Pope.  This little boy President has said, “The World is in trouble and I’m going to fix it.”   Please fix yourself first!!

My relatives in Norway and Poland are fearful of this President and rightly so. They are a short distance from Trump’s new friend and buddy, Putin and the Russian Bear.

Mr. Trump’s penchant for knee jerk tweets, executive orders, and blowhard statements not only upset Americans, but confound and confuse the World and our stunned allies.

Vetting has always taken 18-24 months and sometimes more to enter our country.  I know.  We recently completed the process to bring a spouse from Eastern Europe.  More scrutiny makes no sense.  We are not Europe where thousands entered countries with little or no vetting. The majority of people coming here are woman and children.  No immigrant has committed an act of terror ever in this country.  The California, Florida, and Texas massacres were committed by unbalanced U.S. citizens.  The fear mongering of the Trump administration is more bluster to stir up the electorate.

Like most Democratic countries, we are countries of immigrants.  Our populations are declining and we are aging.  We need immigrants to fill the jobs that go wanting.  It’s not that immigrants are taking our jobs.  Mechanization is the biggest culprit.  If we want a good job, we need to train for it.  Gone are the union protected blue collar jobs of yesteryear. Our immigrants fill all the jobs that we don’t want.  They work hard and pay taxes.

How many of us know a Hispanic, a Somali, or Hmong?  My first hand experience is: they are devout sweet families that want the same as you and I.  How many have searched and found a mosque?  Other than no pews to sit in, they are very similar to our Christian churches.

The latest act baring immigrants seems to have little support anywhere other than white supremacists, bigots, and the scared right hanging on to one term little boy’s coattails.  I respect the office with admiration, but wish he could find a way to be more respectful of this great nation.              John Curtis/Veteran, Patriot

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