Too often I hear some say, ” I pay too much in taxes. ”  I wish I had a tax problem.  In order to have a tax problem, you have to make lots of money.  Eighty per cent of the loopholes are used by 20% of the people.  Its similar to the Bush tax cuts.  Three per cent of Americans received 80% of the tax cuts, while 97% of Americans received  20% of tax cuts.  The tax code in the UK is about 100 pages, France has 150 pages.  In America our tax code is 30,000 pages and growing.  It takes a lot of malarkey and paper to cheat legally.  Why is congress defending the very wealthy?  The wealthy pay for their campaigns and sponsor many politicians.  Some are there at the whim of the very wealthy and large corporations.  Some billionaires gave $100 million to get their man elected.  Too bad.  What a waste.  I keep hearing that we can’t tax the rich, because they are the job creators.  Not so.  Most of the jobs created are from small business and entrepreneurs.  About 80% have incomes of less than $250,000.  We are being held hostage by  3%.  That is the difference from the current top tax rate to the new proposed top tax rate.  More revenue and less spending.  We all need some skin in the game. End this gridlock. Do this and get out of the way. The World is watching.  Its time because we are out of time. 


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