We are all immigrants except native Americans.  My grandparents arrived from Sweden and Norway at the turn of the century.  Why did they leave the homeland?  The same reason as today, crushing poverty, political repression, and the opportunity to start over in a free land.  The Greatest Country in the World is here and always will be, as long as there is immigration.  The attitude of, I got mine so stay out, seems to drive many people today.  Stay out so I can drive the taxis, stay out so I can shingle the roof, stay out so I can work at the fast food joint.  Beyond this, why can’t we find the skilled workers for jobs that go begging.  To fill these positions, we reach out to foreigners to come to our colleges to be educated so we can hire someone that has skills in math and science.  Why is this happening?  Teachers tend to get the blame and this is not right.  My family has a long line of teachers that I regularly  hear from.  Parents should take the majority of the blame, not teachers.  In order for a teacher to teach, the student must be in class, on time, with their homework completed.  Our obese society, about one third, are complacent, glued to the TV, and lost in social media. Johnny has no skills, but he can work at the factory.  The factory, if its there anymore, has morphed into high tech, so it can survive a very competitive world.  The world has come this way because of the opportunities we offer.  So the next time you step out of the tanning parlor and see a foreigner/immigrant working two jobs, going to college, and raising a family, salute them.  They are like our forefathers and we have forgotten.

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