Beautiful People, Ugly Government

  A few years ago I had an opportunity to travel to El Salvador for a mission trip.  My wife, Ann, and I landed at the San Salvador airport at 10 PM one rainy evening via Minneapolis and Houston.  We were greeted by 23 children, two adults, and no English.  Our...


Sometimes we hang onto old appliances and tools because they work well enough.  One of mine was not as accurate as it used to be, so I planned on replacing it.  The springs in the old bathroom scale seemed to be losing it.  I have proudly held my current weight for...


How to get into the Christmas spirit?  Because Christmas has become so commercial, it is sometimes difficult to jump or mosey  to the tune of buy, buy, buy.  I refuse to turn lights on until after Thanksgiving and won’t think about a tree until the 1st of...


What are they?  They are the words we use to fill in when our mouths are in gear before our brains.  We hear them from much of the population, like, like, especially the young.  Phrases such as:  Like, you know, I mean, and you know what I mean.  “No I...


We are all immigrants except native Americans.  My grandparents arrived from Sweden and Norway at the turn of the century.  Why did they leave the homeland?  The same reason as today, crushing poverty, political repression, and the opportunity to start over in a free...


I went to the movie Lincoln, which is based on the book “Team of Rivals”, by Doris Kearns Goodwin.  Having read the book, I had to see the movie.  Most Presidents are stressed by the 24/7 pressure, but Lincoln had more on his plate than all the rest.  FDR...


We have the most great universities in the world, seven out of the top ten.  Our economy is the largest and one of the most efficient in the world.  We had an economic  hiccup but the country has continued to recover and should start to roar if our politicians can get...


Too often I hear some say, ” I pay too much in taxes. ”  I wish I had a tax problem.  In order to have a tax problem, you have to make lots of money.  Eighty per cent of the loopholes are used by 20% of the people.  Its similar to the Bush tax cuts.  Three...
Flag Etiquette

Flag Etiquette

It is that time of year when most get a surge of patriotism and start looking for the flag we flew last year. It’s in the corner somewhere in the house or garage, maybe in the attic. The flag is treated by many the same as the artificial Christmas tree in a box....


There was a time before television when our parents would yell, “get outside and play”. The house was shelter. Play was outside. So we would meet our friends at the rink or the ball field and play. We would dream of being Gordy Howe scoring goals or...
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