Compare 44 President’s quotes in history to 45. This proves that Trump is inept, unqualified, unprepared, corrupt, incapable of the truth, without conscience, without honor, lacks empathy, and is truly what psychiatrists call a malignant narcissist. Our Democracy is shaking and if elected again we and the World will be slaves to the rich and powerful. We will be publishing quotes from former Presidents every day for 44 days and compare them to todays President YAHOO. We are on number 10 (ten).

John Tyler was the tenth president of the United States from 1841 to 1845 after briefly serving as the tenth vice president in 1841; he was elected vice president on the 1840 Whig ticket with President William Henry Harrison. Tyler ascended to the presidency after Harrison’s death in April 1841, only a month after the start of the new administration. He was a stalwart supporter and advocate of states’ rights, and he adopted nationalist policies as president only when they did not infringe on the powers of the states. His unexpected rise to the presidency posed a threat to the presidential ambitions of Henry Clay and other politicians, and left Tyler estranged from both major political parties.

John Tyler:

“Patronage is the sword and cannon by which war may be made on the liberty of the human race….Give the President control over the purse-the power to place the immense revenues of the country into any hands he may please, and I care not what you call him, he is “every inch a king.”

(campaign slogan) Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too.

(inscription on the grave of his horse) Here lies the body of my good horse, “The General.” For twenty years he bore me around the circuit of my practice, and in all that time he never made a blunder. Would that his master could say the same!”

“The barking of newspapers and the brawling of demagogues can never drive me from my course.”

Donald Trump:

Trump: I know More About ISIS Than the Generals Do

“I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me…I would bomb the sh**t out of them.”
—Nov. 13, 2015

Donald Trump Was Unaware Russia Had Already Invaded Ukraine

“[Vladimir Putin] is not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not gonna go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down.”
—Apparently unaware that Russia had already annexed Crimea in a 2014 intrusion into Ukraine that left thousands dead (July 31, 2016)

Trump Threatens to Hit DNC Speakers ‘So Hard Their Heads Would Spin’

“You know what I wanted to. I wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard. I would have hit them. No, no. I was going to hit them, I was all set and then I got a call from a highly respected governor…I was gonna hit one guy in particular, a very little guy. I was gonna hit this guy so hard his head would spin and he wouldn’t know what the hell happened…I was going to hit a number of those speakers so hard their heads would spin, they’d never recover. And that’s what I did with a lot—that’s why I still don’t have certain people endorsing me: They still haven’t recovered.”
—Reacting to the Democratic National Convention (July 29, 2016)

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