“You ask how did we get here with Obamacare?”  First of all, he won the election twice, and though we have a disaster of a roll out by his underlings, the premise of “healthcare for all Americans is a good idea”, according to Warren Buffet.  We are the only rich country in the World that does not provide this benefit.  You say that Obamacare is destroying our health care system.  Not so.  The introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has forced competition among insurance companies. Costs have been falling since its introduction, which has already happened in Massachusetts, the model for the ACA.  The program is more equitable, allowing pre-existing conditions and students to stay on their parents program.  States that did what they were asked to do, set up a state web site to dovetail with insurance companies and ACA, are enrolling thousands of people as we speak.  Minnesota, Washington, Kentucky, and California are some of the 14 states that did set up sites.  The 36 states, mostly red states or GOP, must rely on Healthcare.gov, the federal web site, that has been a disaster.  Adding to the this mess are people like the Georgia insurance commissioner admitting that, “we are doing all we can to obstruct Obamacare”.  Thou it has not gone as planned, I believe that it the ACA will eventually work as it was supposed to.

You say that job opportunities have been lost and that small business is being crushed by regulations, though we have business flush with cash and the stock market at record heights. Unemployment has fallen from the 10-20% in some areas, to 7.5% nationally and 5.5% in Minnesota.

You say Obama is anti-energy, yet North Dakota pumps a million barrels a day and endless tanker trains are running through Minnesota to refineries.  We have passed Russia as the number 2 producer in the World and the USA is projected to be self sufficient in energy by 2016.

You say we shouldn’t trust left wing news or our educators. Does that mean we should listen to Fox News and the likes of Pat Robertson?  And finally you say to cast a wider net for our information gathering.  It seems you are using a minnow net for yours.  We are published each Wednesday, at least.

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