What does the Tea Party stand for?  Originally, members advocated a strict adherence to the U.S. constitution, reducing spending, taxes, federal debt, and the budget deficit. This attracted conservative republicans, libertarians, and populists. Their slogan was “fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets”.  This all sounded great to the regular guy in 2008.  Since then, the Tea Party has been high jacked by the religious right in three corner hats.  It’s ok with big government and air strikes (Iraq) as long as it’s Republican.  It’s ok losing civil liberties (Homeland Security) as long as there’s a white Republican in the White House.  The Tea Party has a low regard for immigrants and blacks.  They favor mass deportation of 11 million undocumented residents rather than the common sense Dream Act, which guides the children born in this country of undocumented residents to citizenship over a 13 year period.  Hypocrisy, race, and bigotry seem to interlace this organization.  We, as Americans, pride ourselves with the progress we have made in civil rights, voting rights, and all around equal rights protected by our constitution.  The Tea Party is ready to trample anyone or anything that threatens their way, including the destruction of the world’s economy, and anything that may seem to help those disadvantaged.

Who are the Tea Partiers? The top dog advocate lately has been Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) as the voice of the Tea Party.  He has replaced the silly ass Congresswoman Michele Backmann (R-MN), who said, “Shutting down the government is a good thing for the American people and there are terrorists in congress”.

Quotes from fellow senators:  Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-California) said that “Ted Cruz is like Sen. Joseph McCarthy, the witch hunter of the 1950’s, hunting communists in every corner and under your bed. He thinks he is the smartest one in the room and is quite brazen about it”.  The honorable Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and 2008 presidential candidate said “Ted Cruz is _ucking nuts.” The Republican party has tried without success, twice, to wrangle their favorite causes from a Democratic President, using threats against our economy.  Twice, they have failed and twice they have taken it on the chin.  How do you champion your cause with behavior like this?  To do the same thing over and over, expecting change, is called insanity.

The honorable Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), minority leader, said it succinctly, “there is no education in the 2nd kick of a mule.”

Published on Wednesday usually.

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