Sometimes we hang onto old appliances and tools because they work well enough.  One of mine was not as accurate as it used to be, so I planned on replacing it.  The springs in the old bathroom scale seemed to be losing it.  I have proudly held my current weight for the past five years.  The springs in the old scale were failing, I’m sure.  After purchasing one of the new digital scales and dropping the old scale in the recycle bin, with a hearty good bye, I assembled the new scale with batteries. Stepping on the new modern digital scale, I stared dumbfounded.  It read the same as the old scale, in fact it was a little more.  Over the course of November and December I had added ten pounds to my ample frame.  With great determination, I vowed to get rid of that extra bulk post haste.  The next day I arrived at the gym with gusto to spare.  The next five days I toiled to shed those pounds.  Running, pushing, and sweating I managed to get rid of the new lard that was there.  I managed to turn it into muscle.  Muscle weighs more.  I added six more pounds. I now have a new scale and a new weight to maintain, until the next holidays.      JC

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