We have had three and a half years of this criminal nightmare known as the lying POTUS.  Realizing that he can not win a second term, he and his toadies are pulling out all the stops.  He tried to lie his way through the Covid 19 crisis, and by the end of the year 300,000 Americans will be dead.  He has told the states its your baby, thus washing ‘his hands of the very difficult agony of pulling us through this crisis.  He has lied about everything pertaining to science and the subject.  He has countered everything the experts have said, thinking I’ll lie on top lies, maybe they won’t catch on.  A true 14 year old 74 year old malignant narcissist.

Knowing that the polls show him losing badly in November, he has attacked mail-in voting as ripe with fraud and corruption. There has never been any evidence of fraud.

Trump has appointed a large contributor as the new Postmaster General.  Louis Dejoy is the new toady trying to disrupt the postal system.  It’s the latest ploy by Trump.  So far, the top two executives running the day to day operation have been displaced.  Twenty -three executives have also been displaced.  Decades of knowledge about our postal system have been dismissed.  Power is now centralized around Louis Dejoy.  He has cut overtime and slowed delivery of all mail.  The primaries have been in disarray.

The postal service will be bankrupt by next month.  Trump said he will veto any moneys for the postal service.  Money allocated by congress to support USPS has not been used. Representative Gerald Connolly, D-VA.; chairman of the House subcommittee responsible for postal oversight, called the reorganization “a deliberate sabotage’ to the nation’s mail service and a “Trojan Horse.”

Granted, the USPS does not make money, but does the FBI and the FCC make money?  These are services for the American people and should  be sacrosanct. Too valuable to be interfered with.

The GOP passed legislation under the Bush Jr. administration that requires the postal service to fund retirements for the next 75 years. No other service of the U.S. government is required to do this. This has hobbled the service with deficits year after year.

Trump has seized the opportunity with the backing of the GOP to interfere with the Presidential election and many of the GOP senators and GOP congressmen are happy to go along.  They will also be losers in a fair election so they will do anything to stay in power.  The GOP cares nothing for the people, only corporations and other wealthy people. They are criminals with power.  Vote them out any way you can and then prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

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