Comments by our draft dodging so-called leader and commander-in-chief.

I was offended by these comments that have risen their ugly heads as we now must chose a new leader.  He was quoted by General Mattis, then his chief of staff, saying at Arlington National Cemetery, “I don’ t get it, what’s in it for them.”  General Mattis’s son was killed in Iraq and is buried in Arlington.

My family has three generations that answered the call from their country. My grandfather, J.E. Curtis answered the call in his native country and served in the Swedish army before immigrating to Minnesota. His son, Carl, answered the call during World War II and then was called back in for the Korean conflict. During his retraining at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri for Korea, his son John was born and then returned twenty years later to Ft. Leonard Wood for basic training for the Vietnam conflict.  Carl was severely injured in Korea.  Took a year to talk again.

None of these veterans were called anything but patriots and heroes.  None of these veterans were ever called suckers and losers.

As we chose a new leader for this great nation, all comments and actions must be considered, especially by the veterans and their families.

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