by John Curtis | Dec 7, 2020 | John's Blog
The first qualifier to be a Republican supporter is to be able to lie about anything with a straight face. It also helps if you are a bigot and a racist. Making money off the little people and not paying your share in income taxes is a free card to GOP membership....
by John Curtis | Sep 21, 2020 | John's Blog
Comments by our draft dodging so-called leader and commander-in-chief. I was offended by these comments that have risen their ugly heads as we now must chose a new leader. He was quoted by General Mattis, then his chief of staff, saying at Arlington National...
by John Curtis | Aug 23, 2020 | John's Blog
The new postmaster general, Louis Dejoy, has already devastated large central post offices by dissembling the high-speed sorting machines that sort by bar code at the rate of 35,000 pieces per hour. The south Los Angeles post office, one of the largest in the...
by John Curtis | Aug 8, 2020 | John's Blog
We have had three and a half years of this criminal nightmare known as the lying POTUS. Realizing that he can not win a second term, he and his toadies are pulling out all the stops. He tried to lie his way through the Covid 19 crisis, and by the end of the...
by John Curtis | Aug 7, 2020 | John's Blog
Have you ever been called a racist? Maybe not. But you should have been. We are all racist to some degree. Blacks today live in places with the worst schools, the worst health care, and the worst jobs; the facts rammed home by covid-19, that whenever America...